CMS is measuring early referral to transplant programs through the number of patients who are added to transplant waitlists in outpatient dialysis facilities. this initiative ties into new requirements (beginning 2022) for the End-Stage Renal Disease (ESRD) Prospective Payment System and the ESRD Quality Incentive Program (QIP). The tools listed below can be used to help you educate and move eligible patients to the kidney transplant waitlist.
The National Forum of ESRD Networks Kidney Transplant Toolkit
This toolkit for dialysis clinic staff is a reference tool that gives information about the transplant referral process and guidance to help patients prepare for receiving a kidney transplant.
The National Forum of ESRD Networks Transplant Peer Mentor Program: Dialysis Facility Toolkit
This toolkit is intended to assist in the creation of a Peer Mentor Program at dialysis facilities and is intended for use by dialysis facility leadership with their peer mentors and by peer mentors with their respective peer mentees.
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