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Care Coordination

Medical Team Looking at Xray Provider in Home with Senior Patients

Care coordination is a key priority for the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid (CMS) to improve quality and achieve safer and more effective care. However, gaps in care, such as poor communication and ineffective discharge processes, remain a challenge.To address these gaps, HSAG provides evidence-based tools, strategies, resources, and training needed to improve care coordination.

Hospital CC Toolkit

NH CC Toolkit

Access the QIIP

Icon CollaborationCare Coordination Resources

Journal Articles

Pharmacy-led medication reconciliation. Effectiveness of pharmacist-led medication reconciliation programs on clinical outcomes at hospital transitions: a systematic review and meta-analysis.

Discharge Medication reconciliation by Pharmacists to improve Transitions following Hospitalization (DEPTH). Readmission rates and cost avoidance associated with pharmacist-led discharge medication reconciliation.


IHI Medication Reconciliation Toolkit. Institute for Healthcare Improvement (IHI) How-to Guide: Prevent Adverse Drug Events by Implementing Medication Reconciliation

MATCH Medication Reconciliation Toolkit. Medications at Transitions and Clinical Handoff (MATCH)

Medication Discrepancy Tool. By Eric Coleman, MD

ASHP-APhA Medication Management in Care Transitions Best Practices. From American Society of Health-System Pharmacists and American Pharmacists Association. Note pages 29-40.

HSAG Purposeful Post-Fall Huddle fillable PDF form.

AHRQ Falls Toolkit. From the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality.

AHRQ Fall TIPS: A Patient-Centered Fall Prevention Toolkit. Includes a formal risk assessment and tailored plan of care for each patient.

California Association of Health Facilities (CAHF) Fall Prevention Programs

CDC Older Adult Fall Prevention. Webpage from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) with resources, data, and publication links.

CDC STEADI Older Adult Fall Prevention. Stopping Elderly Accidents, Deaths, and Injury (STEADI) webpage with resources to help you integrate fall prevention into routine clinical practice.

Health Equity Organizational Assessment (HEOA). A downloadable PDF form that assesses your hospital’s ability to identify and address health disparities. From HSAG.

Hospital Guide to Reducing Medicaid Readmissions (PDF). from the Agency for Healthcare Rsearch and Quality (AHRQ).

Guide to Reducing Disparities in Readmissions (PDF). From the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS).

CMS Strategic Plan Pillar: Health Equity (PDF). From CMS.

Health Equity Snapshot: A Toolkit for Action (PDF). From the American Hospital Association (AHA).

Achieving Health Equity: A Guide for Healthcare Organizations (whitepaper). From The Institute for Healthcare Improvement (IHI).


What to Do When You're Admitted to the Hospital (PDF)

Readmission Interview Tool with Patients, Family Members, and Care Team Members (PDF). From the HSAG Care Coordination Toolkit.

Zone Tools. HSAG patient education post-discharge self-care tools.

Teach-Back and Health Literacy

Teach-Back. Training, tools, and resources.

HSAG Care Coordination Toolkit handouts - Teach-Back, section 5. Includes Plain Language Terms, Teach-Back Sentence Starters, flyers for Self-Training, Reminder to Use Teach-Back posters, and Employee Competency Validation.

Medication Education

Anticoagulation Patient Toolkit. A consortium-developed quick reference for anticoagulation.

A Patients Guide to Taking Warfarin. From the American Heart Association.

Post-Acute Collaborations

About Post-Acute Collaboratives. HSAG Intro page.

Post Acute Collaboratives section in the HSAG Care Coordination Toolkit

Provider Communication Tools

SBAR Toolkit (website). Institute for Healthcare Improvement (IHI), Situation, Background, Assessment, Recommendation (SBAR) toolkit. New visitors to IHI may be asked to create a sign-in.


Long-Term Care SBAR Resources (website). Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ).