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National Healthcare Safety Network (NHSN)

Provider Medical Team Looking at Xray

HSAG is available to assist nursing homes in reporting accurate COVID-19 vaccine data to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS).

Common challenges that potentially lead to CMS fines and inaccurately reported public data include misunderstanding COVID-19 reporting requirements and vaccine up-to-date definitions, inadequate vaccination data collection processes, and lack of access to the NHSN and statewide vaccine registries.

To ensure current data on your COVID-19 Trend Reports, please join the HSAG group in NHSN. This also allows HSAG to provide real time technical assistance for any NHSN errors.

How does NHSN define up to date on vaccines?

Vaccine Flow Chart

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How HSAG Can Help

Register for NHSN & HAI Nursing Home Office Hours
Third Tuesday of Every Month
11:30 a.m.–12 noon PT:


Up-to-Date Vaccine Data

Up-to-Date vaccine data run charts are now available in HSAG’s Quality Improvement Innovation Portal (QIIP). Download your facility’s run charts to validate accuracy of the data being entered into NHSN.

Visit the QIIP Start Page Here

NHSN Guidance