HSAG is available to assist nursing homes in reporting accurate COVID-19 vaccine data to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS).
Common challenges that potentially lead to CMS fines and inaccurately reported public data include misunderstanding COVID-19 reporting requirements and vaccine up-to-date definitions, inadequate vaccination data collection processes, and lack of access to the NHSN and statewide vaccine registries.
- Survival Guide for Mandatory National Healthcare Safety Network (NHSN) Reporting for Long-Term Care Facilities (LTCFs)
- Frequently Asked Questions Regarding NHSN Access Issues
To ensure current data on your COVID-19 Trend Reports, please join the HSAG group in NHSN. This also allows HSAG to provide real time technical assistance for any NHSN errors.
- Arizona Nursing Home Steps for Conferring Rights
- California Nursing Home Steps for Conferring Rights
How does NHSN define up to date on vaccines?
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How HSAG Can HelpRegister for NHSN & HAI Nursing Home Office Hours |
Up-to-Date Vaccine DataUp-to-Date vaccine data run charts are now available in HSAG’s Quality Improvement Innovation Portal (QIIP). Download your facility’s run charts to validate accuracy of the data being entered into NHSN. |