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Annual Technical Report

Adults with Medical Staff at Home Business Audience

State Medicaid agencies are required by 42 CFR §438.364 to produce an annual independent evaluation of quality outcomes and the timeliness of, and access to, services provided by the state’s Medicaid managed care entities (MCEs), which includes the coordinated care organizations (CCOs), and historically, the dental care organizations (DCOs). To comply with these requirements, OHA contracted with HSAG to aggregate and analyze the MCEs’ performance data across mandatory and optional activities and prepare an annual technical report. 

The annual EQR technical report includes the following information:

  • An overview of the Oregon Health Plan and contracted CCOs.
  • A description of the scope of EQR-related activities performed by HSAG.
  • The objectives, technical methods of data collection and analysis, a description of data obtained, and conclusions drawn from the data.
  • An analysis and evaluation of information generated by the EQR-related activities, including compliance monitoring reviews (CMRs); performance measure validation (PMV); performance improvement projects (PIPs); network adequacy validation (NAV), including delivery system network (DSN), and access and availability surveys; encounter data validation (EDV); and mental health parity (MHP).
  • An assessment of each CCO’s strengths and weaknesses, including quality, timeliness, and access to health care services furnished to members.
  • Recommendations for the CCOs and OHA, including how the state can target goals and objectives in the quality strategy to better support improvement in the quality, timeliness, and access to health care services furnished to members.
  • An assessment of the degree to which each CCO and OHA has effectively addressed recommendations for quality improvement made by the EQRO during the previous year's EQR.

Copies of Oregon’s annual technical reports can be accessed from OHA’s Website.

For questions related to the technical report activity, please contact:

       Georgia Wilkison, BSN, RN, CPC
       Associate Director, State & Corporate Services
       Telephone: 602.284.9182