The Network provides services to help ensure transplant and end stage renal disease (ESRD) patients are receiving the best care possible. We do this by:
- Working with dialysis and transplant facilities to improve the quality of care
- Investigating patient grievances
- Providing patient and provider education
- And more!
We encourage you and your family to learn more about ESRD and ways that you can become involved in your treatment by looking at topics on this website. Equally important, we urge you to talk to your care team (physicians, nurses, social workers, dietitians, and technicians) and get involved in the decision-making process so that you will find your own best approach to treatment.
The National Coordinating Center (NCC) created a video of a member of the Network's Patient Advisory Council (PAC) that features their ESRD journey, where they garner strength from, their work with the Network, and their hope for other patients.
Getting Back to Me: A Goal-Setting Journey (PDF)
Do you have a goal you would like to achieve? The Getting Back to Me: A Goal-Setting Journey is a workbook that can assist you with identifying personal goals and setting a plan to achieve them. This resource was developed by kidney patients and family members and designed to help restore a sense of dignity and increase self-esteem through goal-setting.
Patient Education at Your Fingertips!
This flyer includes patient educational resources available from the ESRD National Coordinating Center including New Patient Education and The Kidney Hub, a mobile web tool.
New Patient Education
We recommend all new dialysis patients review the resources available on this extensive educational webpage.
Advance Care Planning
Advance care planning is making decisions about the end-of-life care you want to receive before events make this impossible. Here are some things that are important to let your family and doctors know:
- Who you want to make healthcare decisions for you when you can't make them.
- The kind of medical treatment you want or don't want.
- How comfortable you want to be.
- How you want people to treat you.
- What you want your loved ones to know.
Advance Directives
“Advance directive” describes two types of legal documents that enable you to plan for and communicate your end-of-life wishes in the event that you are unable to communicate: a Medical Power of Attorney and a Living Will.
- Medical Power of Attorney allows you to appoint a person you trust as your healthcare agent (or surrogate decision maker), who is authorized to make medical decisions on your behalf if you are unable to speak for yourself.
- Living Will allows you to document your wishes concerning medical treatments that you would or would not want if facing a serious or life-limiting illness.
- Health Education in Multiple Languages
- What I Need to Know About Kidney Failure and How It's Treated
- Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) and Medicines: What You Need to Know
- Availability of Auxiliary Aids and Services
- The Little Book About Kidneys: A Guide for Children About Kidney Disease and Treatment
- ESRD NCC My Plan, My Care
- AKF Beat the Heat
- AKF Kidney Friendly Diet
- American Diabetes Association
- American Heart Association Diabetes Self-Management
- Life Options Fact Sheets
- Kidney School
The Network recognizes that patients with ESRD will have many financial concerns; however, Networks do not handle issues dealing with money or payment of bills.
Dialysis Facility Compare
What is Dialysis Facility Compare (DFC)?
Dialysis Facility Compare is a webpage on the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) website. DFC allows patients to search for Medicare-approved dialysis facilities based on a city, state, or specific zip code. DFC provides data about dialysis facilities* including facility characteristics such as:
- address and phone number
- types of dialysis offered [in-center Hemo or peritoneal (home) dialysis]
- whether facility offers dialysis shifts after 5 pm
- number of dialysis treatment stations
DFC also has information about Patient Survey Ratings and Quality of Patient Care measures including:
- Avoiding unnecessary transfusions
- Preventing bloodstream infections
- Removing waste from blood and nutritional status
- Using the most effective access to the bloodstream
- Keeping a patient’s bone mineral levels in balance
- Avoiding hospitalizations and deaths
The DFC site also contains links to other websites, publications available for downloading, a glossary of terms, a list of useful contacts, and a kidney disease dictionary.
* Please note: There is generally some lag time between a facility opening and its information being posted on the DFC website.
Why Should Patients Use Dialysis Facility Compare (DFC)?
One of the most common uses of DFC is to search for Medicare-approved dialysis facilities close to a specific city or zip code. In addition, studies show that patients who are involved in their healthcare decisions tend to experience better health. Understanding ESRD and its treatment is a good way to get involved and the info on DFC is intended to help patients become more informed.
Do You Need Help Using the DFC Website?
Other Resources
- A Kidney Patient's Guide to Working and Paying for Treatment
- A Practical Guide for People with Disabilities Who Want to Go to College
- Keeping Your Job When You Need Dialysis
- Renal Rehabilitation: Bridging the Barriers
- Social Security—Substantial Gainful Activity
- Ticket to Work
- Working While Disabled (English)
- Working While Disabled (Spanish)
- Working with Kidney Disease
State/Territory Resources
- Arizona Department of Economic Security
- Arkansas Rehabilitation Services
- Arkansas WIPA
- Northern California—Department of Rehabilitation Services
- Colorado Department of Labor and Employment
- Florida Alliance for Assistive Services and Technology (FAAST)
- Florida Division of Vocational Rehabilitation
- Guam—Department of Labor
- Hawaii—Department of Human Services
- Louisiana Rehabilitation Services
- Nevada Department of Employment, Training, and Rehabilitation
- New Mexico Governor's Commission on Disability
- Oklahoma Rehabilitation Services
- Oklahoma WIPA
- Utah State Office of Rehabilitation
- Wyoming Department of Workforce Services
Patients on dialysis are at a high risk for getting an infection. But there are several things you can do to minimize your chances of getting an infection.
- Report any signs of infection to your care givers.
- Wash your hands often, especially before and after dialysis treatment.
- Keep your access site clean.
- Never scratch or remove scabs from your access site.
Know where germs can be found:
- On our hands and skin
- In our nose and mouth
- On the hands of your medical staff and in their noses
- On your pet
- Inside and outside your house
- On surfaces and equipment
Know the signs and symptoms of an infection:
- Redness
- Swelling
- Pain
- Drainage
- Fever
- Chill
Make sure your caregivers:
- Wash hands
- Wear gloves, mask, and gown
- Disinfect your skin before inserting needles
- Change gloves after stopping dialysis machine and before removing needles
Infection Prevention Video
- How to Properly Wash Your Hands and Your Vascular Access (Video). Produced jointly by Network 15 and the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment
- Caring For Your Dialysis Catheter (English)
- Caring For Your Dialysis Catheter (Spanish)
- Hand Hygiene Saves Lives Brochures/Posters
- Sepsis Zone Tool: My Plan to Identify Infection and/or Sepsis
- Clean Hands Save Lives!
- Clean Hands Save Lives! (Spanish)
- Myth Busters: Vaccinations
- Myth Busters: Vaccinations (Spanish)
- Let's Talk: Starting the Conversation to Prevent HAIs
- Patient Hand Hygiene Audit
- Washing Your Access
- Dialysis Safety—Clinician Education
- Infection Prevention in Dialysis Settings
- Hemodialysis Catheter Compatibility Chart—Compatible Skin Antiseptics and Antimicrobial Ointments
- Core Interventions for Dialysis Bloodstream Infection Prevention
- Protocol: Scrub the Hub for Hemodialysis Catheters
Bloodstream Infection Prevention
Patients who undergo dialysis treatment have an increased risk of infection. They are at a high risk for infection because the process of hemodialysis requires frequent use of dialysis catheters or the insertion of needles to access the bloodstream. Additionally, hemodialysis patients commonly have weakened immune systems. A weakened immune system increases the risk for infection, which, in turn, can require frequent hospitalizations and surgery, where the chance of acquiring an infection increases. The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) have placed a heightened focus on reducing bloodstream infections through a series of Core Interventions, which include patients becoming active members of their dialysis care team by observing staff during opportunities for hand hygiene and communicating the results of these observations to the clinical staff. In response, the Network has developed the following series of steps to accomplish our ongoing goal of improving the quality of care provided to dialysis patients.
Step 1: Review the Clean Hands Count brochure and the Clean Hands Save Lives resource to educate yourself on the End Stage Renal Disease Conditions for Coverage (CfCs) and the CDC's protocols for infection prevention through effective hand hygiene procedures.
Step 2: See what you know with this Test Your Hand Hygiene Knowledge interactive learning module.
Step 3: Protect yourself and others from infection by starting the conversation with your dialysis care staff to improve awareness about patient safety issues in your facility.
The Network recognizes that patients with ESRD will have many financial concerns; however, Networks do not handle issues dealing with money or payment of bills.
- Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS)
- Medicare Coverage of Kidney Dialysis and Kidney Transplant Services
- Medicare State Health Insurance Assistance Programs (SHIPs)
- Medicare Prescription (Part D) Drug Coverage: How to Join
- Multilanguage Publications from Medicare
- Social Security—Understanding the Benefits
- Anemia
- Patient to Patient: Let's Talk Fluids Booklet (English)
- Patient to Patient: Let's Talk Fluids Booklet (Spanish)
- Let's Talk About Fluids Video (English)
- Let's Talk About Fluids Video (Spanish)
- Nutrition and Hemodialysis
- Protocol: Scrub the Hub for Hemodialysis Catheters
Protein and Albumin
Albumin is a major protein found in the blood. Most people on dialysis should try for a goal of eating 8–10 ounces of protein each day to keep albumin levels up. Getting the right amount of protein will help to:
- build muscles
- repair tissue
- fight infections
Protein-rich foods include:
- fresh meats
- poultry (chicken and turkey)
- fish and other seafood
- eggs or egg whites
- small servings of dairy products
- How to Talk to Your Healthcare Team (English)
- How to Talk to Your Healthcare Team (Spanish)
- What is your Plan? Patient Plan of Care Brochure (English)
- What is your Plan? (Spanish)
- Patient POC Meeting Checklist (English)
- Patient POC Meeting Checklist (Spanish)
- My Plan, My Care Worksheet
- My Plan, My Care Video
- MY PLAN: What You Need to Know About Your POC (English)
- MY PLAN: What You Need to Know About Your POC (Spanish)
What are my treatment options?
When your kidneys fail, you must decide on a treatment to replace kidney function. Each treatment choice has advantages and disadvantages. You may also choose to forego treatment.
Treatment options include:
- Hemodialysis
- Peritoneal Dialysis
- Kidney Transplant
By learning about your choices, you can better decide what's best for you.
- Choosing a Treatment That's Right for You (English/Spanish)
- Dialysis Schedules: Tips for Patients and Staff (English/Spanish)
- Fixing Paco: Kidney Transplant as a Treatment Option, Living Donation, and the Importance of Proactive Patient Involvement
- Follow Patients as They Talk About Home Dialysis
- Get the Facts: Kidney Transplant
- Home Dialysis Central
- Keep Comfortable on Dialysis
- Living Donor Assistance (English/Spanish)
- MEI: My Life, My Dialysis Choice
- My Choices: Hemodialysis (English/Spanish)
- My Choices: Kidney Transplant (English/Spanish)
- My Choices: Peritoneal Dialysis (English/Spanish)
- My Dialysis Travel Checklist
- My Home Dialysis Travel Checklist
- National Kidney Foundation: Become and Organ Donor
- Partnering with Your Transplant Team (English/Spanish)
- Peritoneal Dialysis
- National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases: Kidney Transplant
- Transplant Patient Brochure
- Who Do I Talk to if I Want to Change My Treatment Options (English/Spanish)
- Why Am I Cold? Brochure
- Your Home Dialysis Travel Checklist Video
- Your Hospital Discharge Checklist Video
Vaccinations for ESRD Patients
When you are on dialysis, you are at a higher risk of getting sick with diseases such as the flu, Hepatitis B, and pneumonia, and Covid-19. Your best protection against these diseases is to receive a vaccination. Most dialysis facilities offer free vaccinations, or can work with you to find out where you can get them at little to no cost.
- Vaccination Wallet Card
- Protect Yourself Vaccination Flyer (1 pager)
- Protect Yourself Vaccination Flyer (2 pager)
Influenza (Flu)
Influenza, more commonly known as the flu, is an acute virus that attacks the nose, throat, and lungs. The flu has symptoms similar to a cold: fever, aches and pains, weakness, coughing, and breathing problems. However, the flu can lead to pneumonia or death. The best way to prevent the flu is to get the flu vaccine every year.
The goal of the Increasing Vaccination Rates Quality Improvement Activity (QIA) is to achieve 85% of patients receiving the influenza vaccination.
About the flu vaccine:
- A flu shot is very safe, and will help protect you for the whole flu season (which can last from October through May).
- Get a flu shot early in the flu season to give it time to work.
- Each year the flu virus changes, so you need a new flu shot every year—even if you had the flu last year.
- A flu vaccine can also help to prevent pneumonia.
- No More Excuses—You Need the Flu Shot
- Take Three Actions to Fight the Flu
- Flu Vaccination: What Everyone Should Know
- Misconceptions about Seasonal Flu and Flu Vaccines
- Frequently Asked Influenza (Flu) Questions: 2022-2023 Season from the CDC
- Getting a Flu Vaccine and a COVID-19 Vaccine at the Same Time
- Vaccine Effectiveness: How Well Do Flu Vaccines Work?
Hepatitis B
Hepatitis B (HBV) is a serious liver infection caused by a virus. Since HBV is spread through contact with blood or body fluids, dialysis patients are at high risk.
About the Hepatitis B vaccine:
- The Hepatitis B vaccine is safe, effective, and your best protection against this disease.
- Your doctor will test your blood to see if you need this vaccine. If you had Hepatitis B (and you may not know) you don’t need the vaccine.
- A series of 3 or 4 Hepatitis B shots is needed to protect you. Some people may need additional doses.
- In addition to preventing Hepatitis B, the Hepatitis B vaccine can also protect against a form of liver cancer.
Pneumonia and Pneumococcal Disease
Pneumonia is a lung infection. It can be caused by a virus, or by bacteria. Bacterial pneumonia can develop on its own or can develop after a severe cold or the flu. Pneumococcal disease kills more people in the United States than all other vaccine-preventable diseases combined.
Pneumonia can cause:
- High fever
- Cough, shortness of breath
- Bacteremia (bacteria in the blood)
- Meningitis (brain infection)
About the Pneumonia (or Pneumococcal) vaccine:
- There are two types of pneumococcal vaccines available for adults: PPSV23 and aPCV13.
- Adults with ESRD need to receive both vaccines initially, and then need to be re-vaccinated in five years.
- Getting a flu vaccine can help prevent pneumonia, but patients with ESRD need to receive BOTH the flu and pneumococcal vaccines.
- You cannot get pneumonia from the pneumococcal vaccine.
- Pneumonia Can Be Prevented—Vaccines Can Help
- Pneumococcal Disease: What You Need to Know
- Pneumococcal Disease: What You Need to Know (Spanish)
- Evidence to Recommendations for PCV20 use among adults ≥65 years old
- Pneumonia Vaccine: Should I Get It?
- Informational article: How Long Does a Pneumonia Shot Last?
- National Kidney Foundation: Chronic Kidney Disease and Pneumococcal Disease: Do You Know the Facts?
- AARP: Reasons to get the Pneumococcal Vaccines
New! The Network developed COVID-19 Vaccination Tracker can be used to track and monitor COVID-19 vaccinations that patients and staff receive outside of the facility. The tracker can also be modified to meet the specific needs of your dialysis facility.
- What Kidney Patients Need to Know About the COVID-19 Vaccine
- What Kidney Patients Need to Know About the COVID-19 Vaccine (Spanish)
- CDC: Your COVID-19 Vaccination
- COVID-19 Vaccine Hesitancy: 12 Things You Need to Know
- Get the Updated (Bivalent) COVID-19 Vaccine Booster Fact Sheet for Dialsyis Patients
- Getting a Flu Vaccine and a COVID-19 Vaccine at the Same Time
- Stay on the Road to Your Permanent Access
- Coping with Needle Fear (English)
- Coping with Needle Fear (Spanish)
- Needle Fear—Additional Tips (English)
- Needle Fear—Additional Tips (Spanish)
- Vascular Access Education
- Benefits of Having a Permanent Access (English)
- Benefits of Having a Permanent Access (Spanish)
- What You Need To Know To Keep Your Fistula Healthy (English)
- What You Need to Know to Keep Your Fistula Healthy (Spanish)
- Fistula First, Catheter Last Website
Note: documents in Portable Document Format (PDF) require Adobe Acrobat Reader 5.0 or higher to view, download Adobe Acrobat Reader.
Do you have a concern or grievance?
Do you have a concern or grievance? You may call the Network at any time. Learn more by clicking below.
Learn MoreESRD Networks Home
- About Us
- Contact Us
- For Patients and Families
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- ESRD Network 7
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- Continuing Education
- Data Management
- Dialysis in Nursing Homes
- Emergency Preparedness
- Home Dialysis
- Patient and Family Engagement (PFE)
- Hospitalizations and Emergency Department (ED) Visits
- Telemedicine
- Transplant
- Vaccinations